Friday, May 11, 2007

1. 閱讀兩篇有關網站行銷效益評估的論文,撰寫500字到1000字心得。
Homework 96-05-05電子化政府網站,如何使政府網站容易被搜尋引擎找到,出現在較前面的排序,可以作為網站指名度的可靠指標。網路使用者是否有較高的可能性檢閱到該政府網站,應該是網站行銷必須重視的。以消費者的立場來說,我們在使用搜尋引擎時,雖然會查找到幾萬筆資料或是更多,但是,通常只會去翻閱前ㄧ兩頁的十幾筆資料而已,因此,如何出現再前面一點的排序,對行銷網站有很大的影響力。而在兩篇論文中提到,好的政府網站評比工具應該具備1)具有公信力,2)可以反應出網站資訊的「權威性」與「指名度」,3)容易使用。不須經過繁複的訓練,政府業務單位或是委外廠商可以隨時上網自行檢驗網站成效。4)取得成本廉價。此評量工具應該不受限設備平台,容易安裝,且費用低廉或甚至免費。和後面提出的PageRank相呼應,在閱讀到這邊時,真的覺得Google會成功不是偶然的,一個免費的工具PageRank,即可解決我們政府長久以來困擾的問題,也覺得這兩篇論文很有價值,畢竟台灣研究網路的論文很多,卻只有此兩篇想到如何利用PageRank此一工具來解決政府的問題,這是非常不簡單的。最後,閱讀完兩篇之後可以了解,要增加PageRank數值可以透過反向連結數來增加,而連結過來的網站的重要性越高,就越容易增加PageRank數,但是要多增加一個數字都是很不簡單的;此外,在電子化政府觀光網站建置效益評估論文中也可看出,台灣在推展觀光方面,真的很落後,如果把網頁全改成MediaWiki來架站,然後每個人負責在網站中自己該負責的部份,即是在網站中放入自己的連結,連結到自己的部落格,然後用PageRank來評績效,一定會對此事比較有熱情,會宣傳的比較好;而在電子化政府網站網路研究論文中,此一行銷手法非常好,PageRank數值可在半年內從0上升到5,就可知此一行銷手法的滲透力高,並省下一筆廣告費,而在此篇中,也看到如用部落格來行銷的新思維,可以大力的去推廣在網路行銷上。

It's mentioned in two papers that the good government website comparison tool should have the following characteristic:(1) has the male letter strength, (2) may respond the website information “the authority” and “the designation”, (3) easy to use. Cannot undergo the complicated training, outside the government operating unit perhaps the committee the manufacturer may momentarily access the net to examine the website result voluntarily. (4) obtains the cost to be inexpensive. his comments the quantity tool should not to limit the equipment platform, easy to install, and expense inexpensive or even free. PageRank proposed which with behind echoes, when reads here, really thought that Google will succeed will not be ccidental, free tool PageRank, will then solve the problem which our government for long will puzzle, also thought that these two papers will have the value very much, Taiwan research network's paper will be very after all many, actually only then this two thought how to solve government's problem using PageRank this tool,this will be is not simple.Finally, after reading two, may understand that must increase the PageRank value to be possible to penetrate the reverse company total to increase, but links the website importance is higher, is easier to increase the PageRank number, but must increase a digit is not very simple; In addition, in the computerization government sightseeing website establishes in the benefit appraisal paper also to be possible to see, it's promotes the sightseeing aspect in Taiwan and is really very backward, if all alters to the homepage MediaWiki to put up the station, then each person is responsible for the part which should be responsible in the website, is puts in own linking in the website, links to own tribe standard, then comments the achievements with PageRank, certainly will let the government workers have the enthusiasm to this matter comparison,it's will go sightseeing can propagandize is quite good; But in the computerization government website network marketing and the benefit appraisal - 'the green purchase network' in case study this paper, thought that this marketing technique is different, in addition also saves advertisement funds, this is difficult to accomplish, but in this, also saw the creativity the importance, for example sells with the tribe standard, this uses very few people in the Taiwan.For consumer's standpoint, we when use search engine, although will search to several ten thousand materials perhaps are more, but, will go to glance through, two pages of several materials only before usually, therefore, how to present again front a spot sorting, to sold the website to have the very big influence.

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