Homework 96-03-17
1. What is the business model of MySpace?
MySpace網站的是以個人檔案、上傳相片、心情日記以及與朋友聯絡為主。2005年 News Corp以超過5億美元由Intermix Media手中買下MySpace,News Corp要增加這個站台的營收。MySpace.com、RottenTomatoes.com和Scout.com均將使用Google搜尋技術,分享廣告收入以周邊或可提供Myspace服務的business modela.著作權過濾器如音樂、Video、圖片...等,利用聲音辨識公司Gracenote開發的新科技,辨認每一項數位錄音的獨特波形。Reference:CPRO資傳網 Taiwan.CET.comSTPI市場報導
2. Using Google Docs.* Go to Google Docs. Google Docs lets you writeWord documents through an online web service.* Write some words in a Word format.* Publish the Word document.* What's the URL of your document.* Add the Google Docs to your personal portal.At the portal page, you should be able to see the active documents.* Save your document as .doc and .pdf, the two common formats for documents.3. Using Google Personal Portal.* Enter http://www.google.com/ig. The Google account is the same as your Blogger account.* Rearrange the templates. And perhaps remove blocks that you don't need.* Add new stuff. For now add the Google Reader block.You should be able to see the subscriptions in the Google Reader block of your personal portal.* Add the Google Docs into your portal.
http://docs.google.com/?action=all_docs"> Google doc---應用於都市街道環境的位置資訊服務演算法與效能評估http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dcgg5w6_10ttzf25
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
Homework 96 03 10
1.Labels are key elements of Web 2.0.Professional blogs have labels.In this lab,you will learn how to put labels on your blogs to make them look professional.
2.Based on CommunityWalk, compile a campus directory that tells the locations of major buildings at CYCU. Place the directory on your own blog by posting the code snippet CommunityWalk generates.Map Address => My map address CommunityWalk Map - Map 82756
1.Labels are key elements of Web 2.0.Professional blogs have labels.In this lab,you will learn how to put labels on your blogs to make them look professional.
2.Based on CommunityWalk, compile a campus directory that tells the locations of major buildings at CYCU. Place the directory on your own blog by posting the code snippet CommunityWalk generates.Map Address => My map address CommunityWalk Map - Map 82756
Friday, March 09, 2007
Homework 960303 1
1. According to Wikipedia and lecture notes,what are the characteristics of Web 2.0?
as the following link
2. What is the Long Tail effect? Use examples to explain it.
因你無法得知該商品何時會有需求、來自於何處相對時間的拉長妳必須將手中的商品降低其庫存與製造率以期不會因時間的關係造成商品成本增加的難題例如Youtube, Amazon,Google,該公司商品幾乎皆已數位資料的模式進行stock,其儲存成本可相當低廉相反的,食材類商品因有保存期限的限制固食品類商品及不便於應用在長尾效應市場當中
再好的商品若無人過問的話,屯放在warehouse 就只是廢物,消費者皆收商品訊息與到達成本也必須很低
數以百萬計的小企業和個人,此前他們從未打過廣告,或從沒大規模地打過廣告。把廣告門檻降下來:廣告不再高不可攀,它是自助價廉的,誰都可以做的;對成千上萬的Blog站點和小規模的商業網站來說,在自己的站點放上廣告已成舉手之勞。 數以百萬計的中小企業代表了一個巨大的長尾廣告市場。這條長尾能有多長,恐怕誰也無法預知。
3. Watch the video of Steve Job's keynote at MacWorld 2007.
Share with us your thoughts after watching the video.
我們知道消費型電子產品的發展應朝向,操作便利,外觀創新,整體質感與價格這幾項要點來發展,其不斷地在強調其iPhone操作的便利性與外觀質感方面的震撼,Apple的產品在外觀上總是如此的令人驚艷代工部分,Iphone 名字已無法律問題,將來單一混合精緻產品是有能力的廠商發展的方式.
Homework 3/3 康盈堃
1. According to Wikipedia and lecture notes,what are the characteristics of Web 2.0?
as the following link
2. What is the Long Tail effect? Use examples to explain it.
因你無法得知該商品何時會有需求、來自於何處相對時間的拉長妳必須將手中的商品降低其庫存與製造率以期不會因時間的關係造成商品成本增加的難題例如Youtube, Amazon,Google,該公司商品幾乎皆已數位資料的模式進行stock,其儲存成本可相當低廉相反的,食材類商品因有保存期限的限制固食品類商品及不便於應用在長尾效應市場當中
再好的商品若無人過問的話,屯放在warehouse 就只是廢物,消費者皆收商品訊息與到達成本也必須很低
數以百萬計的小企業和個人,此前他們從未打過廣告,或從沒大規模地打過廣告。把廣告門檻降下來:廣告不再高不可攀,它是自助價廉的,誰都可以做的;對成千上萬的Blog站點和小規模的商業網站來說,在自己的站點放上廣告已成舉手之勞。 數以百萬計的中小企業代表了一個巨大的長尾廣告市場。這條長尾能有多長,恐怕誰也無法預知。
3. Watch the video of Steve Job's keynote at MacWorld 2007.
Share with us your thoughts after watching the video.
我們知道消費型電子產品的發展應朝向,操作便利,外觀創新,整體質感與價格這幾項要點來發展,其不斷地在強調其iPhone操作的便利性與外觀質感方面的震撼,Apple的產品在外觀上總是如此的令人驚艷代工部分,Iphone 名字已無法律問題,將來單一混合精緻產品是有能力的廠商發展的方式.
Homework 3/3 康盈堃
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